Celebrating 40 Years
at the Place Where
Rivers Connect

Credit for video clip of kingfisher: MIT Media Lab’s Responsive Environments Group, in collaboration with Living Observatory, at Mass Audubon’s Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary. Used by permission.

Our Work


Dam Removal & Fish Passage

Fish passage barriers across the United States are being removed or modified to help fish and wildlife, improve safety and boost recreation. We’ve worked on 150+ dam removals, removed hundreds of culverts, and developed best practices resources for bridge crossings.


Estuary Restoration

Estuaries are dynamic ecosystems where oceans, rivers and human economies converge; they’re also critical to rearing grounds for fish and wildlife and at particular risk to a changing climate. Across the country, we’re reconnecting and restoring these habitats.



Beginning with the daylighting of Tanner Creek in Portland (1992), we’ve been collaborating with urban planners and landscape architects to restore urban streams from coast to coast in the US and abroad.

Inter-Fluve has completed over 2,600 projects. Here’s where we’ve been working.

Vinegar to Vincent Habitat Restoration
Kachess River Restoration Project

Inter-Fluve is proud to sponsor the best of the Wild & Scenic Film Fest, happening June 20th at the Kiggins Theatre in downtown Vancouver.

Ticket sales will support the ongoing conservation work being done by our friends at the Cascade Forest Conservancy, who are working everyday to ensure our mature and old-growth forests are protected, our wildlife and communities thrive, and that our region is made resilient to the impacts of climate change.

Learn more and get tickets at www.cascadeforest.org/wildandscenic.

@cascadeforest @wildandscenicfilmfestival @kigginstheatre

#WildandScenic #WildAndScenicFilmFestival #WildAndScenicOnTour #AdventureFilmmaking #ConservationFilmmaking #RiverRestoration #pnw

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