North Mill Creek Dam Removal & Channel Restoration, Illinois

The US Environmental Protection Agency had listed the Rasmussen Lake, upriver of the North Mill Creek Dam (photo) as impaired for both Aesthetic Value and Aquatic Life based on high phosphorus and suspended sediment levels and low dissolved oxygen concentrations.

The Lake County Forest Preserve District (LCFPD) retained Inter-Fluve as a subconsultant to V3 to remove the dam and design a restored North Mill Creek within the impoundment area, pictured here during construction.

The restored stream added 7,900 feet of meandering riffle-pool stream channel and 51 acres of restored floodplain and riparian wetlands. Photo shows the restored stream two years after construction.

Engineered large wood structures were installed to provide habitat and stabilize newly constructed streambanks.

The project involved excavation of over 50,000 cubic yards of saturated silt and organic impoundment sediment to expose the former channel and floodplain.