Maryland’s Bloede Dam Removal receives 2021 ACEC National Honor Award
The National American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) honored the Patapsco Interceptor Relocation and Bloede Dam Removal in Catonsville, Maryland with a National Honor Award in June 2021. Earlier in the year, the project was awarded the Grand Prize by the ACEC Maryland Chapter. Inter-Fluve was the prime consultant for design and construction phase services for these projects with support from the firms Hazen & Sawyer (sewer line relocation engineer), Kiewit Corporation (construction firm), and KCI Technologies Inc. (construction management engineer). American Rivers managed the project in Patapsco Valley State Park on behalf of the dam owner, Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
The removal of the 10-foot-high and 200-foot-wide Simkins Dam and 34-foot-high and 220-foot-wide Bloede Dam in Maryland are part of a larger project to remove all four dams along 175 miles of the Patapsco River and restore habitat to alewife, herring, American shad, stiped bass, and American eel.