All Projects


Underwood Creek Flood Control & Habitat Restoration, Wisconsin

Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) worked with Inter-Fluve and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to design and construct the $11.6 million Underwood Creek project that involved removing almost a mile of concrete-lined channel and several 2-4-foot drop structures. In its place, a natural-looking and functioning channel that mimics a high-gradient mountain stream was constructed.


River Island Channel & Floodplain Restoration, Oregon

Metro, a regional government body, contracted Inter-Fluve to restore an abandoned gravel mine on the Clackamas River. In 1996 a 100-year rain-on-snow flood event caused the mainstem Clackamas River to breach a levee and flow through this active gravel mining operation.


Megunticook River Dams Feasibility Study, Maine

From California to Maine, dams across the United States are being removed to help fish, improve safety and boost recreation. We’ve worked on over 100 dam removals and performed construction oversight on over 35.


Boardman River Dam Removals, Michigan

From California to Maine, dams across the United States are being removed to help fish, improve safety and boost recreation. We’ve worked on over 100 dam removals and performed construction oversight on over 35.


Hemlock Dam Removal, Trout Creek, Washington

Hemlock Dam Removal, Trout Creek, Washington This historic photo shows Hemlock Dam just after construction was completed in 1935. Our team prepares to remove Hemlock Dam 76 years later. The 26-foot [...]


Newby Narrows, Twisp River, Washington

Newby Narrows, Twisp River, Washington The Newby Narrows project, pictured here in 2022 (5 years after construction) was originally identified as part of the Middle Twisp Reach Assessment in 2014, and it was ranked high [...]


Squallicum Creek, Bellingham, Washington

Squallicum Creek, Bellingham, Washington Urban runoff, forestry, agriculture, and construction of Intersate-5 have degraded conditions of Squallicum Creek enough to be listed as impaired for several water quality parameters. Inter-Fluve worked with the City, other [...]


Minnehaha Creek, Minnesota

Minnehaha Creek, Minnesota The Minnehaha Creek is a ditched, straightened, and incised system that is largely detached from its floodplain. Since 2003, Inter-Fluve has worked closely with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and partners to restore and [...]


Coopers Mill Dam Removal, Sheepscot River, Maine

From California to Maine, dams across the United States are being removed to help fish, improve safety and boost recreation. We’ve worked on over 100 dam removals and performed construction oversight on over 35.


Mill River Dam Removals, Massachusetts

From California to Maine, dams across the United States are being removed to help fish, improve safety and boost recreation. We’ve worked on over 100 dam removals and performed construction oversight on over 35.


Condit Dam Removal, White Salmon River, Washington

From California to Maine, dams across the United States are being removed to help fish, improve safety and boost recreation. We’ve worked on over 100 dam removals and performed construction oversight on over 35.


Middle Fork John Day Oxbow, Oregon

The Oxbow project on the Middle Fork John Day River was designed to enhance salmon habitat on a reach of the river whose floodplain was subjected to hydraulic dredge mining for gold in the 1930s and 1940s.


Chewuch River Right side channel, WA

Chewuch River Right side channel, Washington Working with the Yakama Nation, we designed and constructed created a new 3,600-foot side channel to provide a diversity of aquatic and riparian habitat. Inter-Fluve wetland specialists collaborated closely with agency [...]


Middle & Upper Columbia River, Washington

Since 2001, we have performed 11 detailed reach assessments and developed restoration strategies on over 100 miles of stream within key watersheds of the Methow, Entiat, Wenatchee, Yakima, and Klickitat rivers. This up-front planning work has led to over 50 actual in-the-ground restoration projects for the Yakama Nation.


Fender Mill Alcove, Methow River, Washington

Yakama Nation Fisheries Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project contracted Inter-Fluve to perform a reach assessment, and design of a 2,200-foot-long groundwater-fed side channel to provide year-round rearing habitat for summer chinook and steelhead.


Clackamas River Basin, Oregon

In 1877, Livingston Stone, employed by the U.S. Fish Commission to explore potential hatchery sites throughout the Columbia River Basin, professed that “probably no tributary of the Columbia has abounded so profusely with salmon in past years as this river (the Clackamas).”


Sand Creek Assessment, Project ID and Restoration

While walking 125 miles of the Sand Creek and Credit River (MN) during a watershed-level assessment, we identified over 200 restoration projects and ranked them on a 1-11 scale. Picha Creek ranked at the top for restoration potential.


Horsetail Creek Floodplain Restoration, Oregon

Located on the Columbia River floodplain, the 180-acre Horsetail Creek project area was dramatically impacted by construction of Interstate 1-84 and resulting diversions of the creek, as well as a pea gravel mine.


San Clemente Dam Removal, Carmel River, California

From California to Maine, dams across the United States are being removed to help fish, improve safety and boost recreation. We’ve worked on over 100 dam removals and performed construction oversight on over 35.