Don River, Toronto, Canada


Inter-Fluve was contracted by Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates (MVVA) and Waterfront Toronto to assist with the $1 billion Don River revitalization project.The 308-acre Lower Don Lands area has a long history of industrial use, manipulation of the Don River, and consequently flooding. Illustration of full build-out: MVVA.


The mouth of the Don River is being re-routed from its current location at the Keating Channel through the middle of the Lower Don Lands between the Keating Channel and the Ship Channel, restoring it as a major feature of Toronto’s waterfront and the centerpiece of new mixed-use neighborhoods and parks and green spaces. Illustration: MVVA.


Coordinating with project landscape architects, hydrologists, and geotechnical and civil engineers, Inter-Fluve led the development of channel and wetland designs, plant species assemblages, and in-stream and wetland habitat features. Photo: MVVA.