Featured Projects
Dam Removal & Fish Passage
Fish passage barriers across the United States are being removed or modified to help fish and wildlife, improve safety and boost recreation. We’ve worked on 150+ dam removals, removed hundreds of culverts, and developed best practices resources for bridge crossings.
Estuary Restoration
Estuaries are dynamic ecosystems where oceans, rivers and human economies converge; they’re also critical to rearing grounds for fish and wildlife and at particular risk to a changing climate. Across the country, we’re reconnecting and restoring these habitats.
The new boardwalk at Mirror Pond in Bend, OR, now provides full ADA accessibility along a previously challenging section of trail. Inter-Fluve completed hydraulic modeling to predict sediment depositional and scour patterns, inform planting plans of native riparian and aquatic plants, and support design of habitat for native fish species. Congrats to @HDR and all involved for making this happen, and to Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia for the nice write-up. #SustainableDesign #AccessibilityForAll #TrailImprovements
This might look like a Halloween decoration, but decaying salmon play a key role in nourishing the lush forests on Taan (Prince of Wales Island) and throughout the Pacific Northwest. Their final journey brings vital nutrients to the towering trees and rich ecosystems of the PNW. Nature’s ultimate recycling! #HalloweenScience #PrinceOfWalesIsland #EcosystemHeroes #pnw #salmon #environmentalrestoration