Gardner Johnston
Senior Hydrologist & Principal

“Gardner is known in the Hood River office as the calm at the center of the storm,” says one co-worker. Dedicated, diplomatic, and patient, he’s particularly good at balancing the best available science with stakeholder objectives to come up with the most meaningful restoration approach. His primary interest is in the analysis and evaluation of impacts on river systems and watershed processes. He thrives on using that information to identify issues and develop design solutions. An Inter-Fluve team member since 2005, Gardner specializes in watershed assessment, aquatic and riparian habitat assessment, project management, hydrologic analysis, fluvial geomorphic analysis, and restoration planning and design.
Gardner moved West after college to participate in Americorp’s Northwest Service Academy, which led him to work with a local conservation district. That stint exposed Gardner to river science and restoration and prompted him to pursue a graduate degree in hydrology. While working for a local fisheries consulting firm, he became known as “the habitat guy,” and gained an appreciation for fisheries science and its importance in the work we do. One of his greatest interests is integrating fish habitat needs with the way a river functions in order to design projects that are set within the appropriate ecological context, and that will have the greatest long-term benefits.
A native of North Carolina, Gardner was captivated by the mountains and rivers of the Pacific Northwest and never looked back. He and wife Sarah love actively exploring the world through climbing, trekking, kayaking and packrafting. Parenting two daughters is their latest adventure.