Erin Mayer
Ecological Technician

Erin is a Ecological Technician who will focus on completing over 70 miles of habitat assessments in Washington’s Upper Columbia River basin during the summer and fall of 2024. She was raised in Hood River before moving to Bellingham, Washington, to complete a BS in Energy Science and Technology from Western Washington University. Her past experience includes working with the Cascadia Conservation District, where she helped build Beaver Dam Analogs (BDAs), plant riparian vegetation, and remove invasive species. She also spent multiple summers commercial fishing in Alaska—four seasons set netting in Bristol Bay and one season seine netting near Kodiak Island—fishing around the clock. “I loved it,” Erin says of the experience. Witnessing the massive salmon runs in Bristol Bay inspired her to improve salmon habitat in the lower 48. Outside of work, Erin is a seasoned kite surfer, mountain biker, and bikepacker.