Greg Koonce, FP-C
Principal Fisheries Biologist

“We have incredibly talented people here, and it’s my job to assist them in doing their best work,” says Inter-Fluve founding principal Greg Koonce.
Greg sees his primary role as problem solver and facilitator, and as such, is involved in every aspect of the business – from business development to project management. With decades of academic and professional experience in fisheries biology and fluvial geomorphology, Greg focuses on fostering an atmosphere of collaboration within the firm – which is a good human-as-well-as business philosophy. “When there’s a fertile exchange of ideas — and those ideas are allowed to grow — it leads to amazingly integrated solutions unobtainable by any other means.”
Greg plays a key role on projects related to improving and developing stream habitats throughout the world. He’s been instrumental in developing strategies to remedy habitat problems for a wide variety of fish species. Thanks to his years of work in stream channel form and process, Greg is often asked to serve as an advisor on restoration projects that involve multiple partners. And his expertise and strong communication skills are key for facilitating dialog between stakeholders with diverse points of view — from government, tribal, and environmental agencies to developers, NGOs, and citizens.
In life outside of Inter-Fluve, Greg and his wife Linda can often be found gunkholing the Salish Sea aboard Sonrisa or surfing Oahu’s winter swell. “If I didn’t love this work so much, I’d probably be lost in the South Pacific somewhere.” “When there’s a fertile exchange of ideas — and those ideas are allowed to grow — it leads to amazingly integrated solutions unobtainable by any other means.”