Mike Brunfelt, RG
Principal Geomorphologist

Mike runs long distances for fun, which might tell you something about his work ethic. Spend a day with him in the field, and it quickly becomes clear that endurance and patience are qualities that are as apparent in his work as in his play. Since joining Inter-Fluve in 1998, Mike has become adept at directing the construction phase of projects, and making sure projects stay within schedule – saving clients time and money, which makes him popular with everyone. He especially likes designing and building projects that require volumes of large woody material to restore habitats. Mike’s expertise also includes: fluvial geomorphic assessment, stream channel design, forest hydrology and natural resource management.
Before Inter-Fluve, Mike served for many years as a hydrologist for the U.S. Forest Service, where, among other things, he was a Hotshot firefighter. Mike is an avid Ultimate Frisbee player (yes! more running) and loves traveling — something he’s done a lot of with Inter-Fluve. Mike appreciates the collaborative, intellectually fertile culture of Inter-Fluve. “Every project is different: It’s never boring,” he says. “And everyone has a sense of adventure — which seems to be a prerequisite for doing this kind of work.”