Josh Epstein
Senior Geomorphologist, Technology Director

Growing up in California, Josh’s first connection to western rivers occurred while tromping around nearby streams with a fly rod. Years later, he studied salmon river ecosystems in remote corners of Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula and British Columbia. The experience instilled a unique understanding of how pristine river systems function, and inspired him to pursue a master’s degree in studying how rivers respond to dam removal.
Today, Josh is interested in how rivers tell the story of people’s interaction with the landscape over time. “It’s fascinating to try and untangle the human impacts to our watersheds and work creatively to improve ecosystem function through restoration,“ Josh says. He enjoys the collaborative, interdisciplinary nature of Inter-Fluve’s work, as well as developing solutions to problems identified in complex natural systems. “Rivers are such a central part of just about every culture on the planet.” “I’m intrigued by how we can balance human and ecological needs in our watersheds.”
Josh is involved with many aspects of Inter-Fluve’s work, applying his knowledge of biological and physical river processes, economics, and social dimensions of projects to a variety of project phases including geomorphic assessments, topographic survey, hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, restoration design, and project management.
On the weekends, Josh enjoys spending time with his wife Lorri and their two young sons, mountain biking, playing music, skiing or fishing.